Ornament Exchange
A warm evening of dinner, conversation, and a fun ornament exchange as we endeavor to remind one another to embrace the Christ of Christmas once again this Advent season is planned by the Ministry to Women team.
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (When the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (When the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (When the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (When the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (When the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (When the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Women's Progressive Dinner
Food for your body & your soul! It’s gonna be great! Make sure to be to the church at 4:30 so you don’t miss the instructions, maps & car pool options!
Join us weekly for a time of devotional encouragement, authenticity, exchanging recipes and ideas, and accountability to our own personal health goals.
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! There’s also a gift card given away every month!
Come to the Table
Ladies, please join us for brunch as we kick off our 2024 Ministry to Women calendar! We’re providing the main dishes, but we’re asking you to contribute a dish to share, based on your last name: A-G bring a bread of any type! H-M bring a dessert of your choice! N-Z bring a fruit dish! See you there!
Join us weekly for a time of devotional encouragement, authenticity, exchanging recipes and ideas, and accountability to our own personal health goals.
Busy Bees Sewing
The last Thursday of every month, come fellowship with others as we cut, sew, sort, and package items for the new mothers and babies served by Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. No sewing skills required! We’re here from 9a-1p, but you can drop in anytime during that time frame. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! There’s also a gift card given away every month!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! There’s also a gift card given away every month!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! There’s also a gift card given away every month!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! There’s also a gift card given away every month!
Busy Bees Sewing
The last Thursday of every month, come fellowship with others as we cut, sew, sort, and package items for the new mothers and babies served by Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. No sewing skills required! We’re here from 9a-1p, but you can drop in anytime during that time frame. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! There’s also a gift card given away every month!
Busy Bees Sewing
The last Thursday of every month, come fellowship with us as we cut, sew, sort, and package items for the new mothers and babies served by Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. No sewing skills required! We’re here from 9a-1p, but you can drop in anytime during that time frame. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!
Fill Your Cup
Join other women for a cup of coffee and great conversation, the first Monday of every month. (when the first Monday is a holiday, we move it to the second Monday) Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! There’s also a gift card given away every month!
Nourish: A Brunch for Moms
Moms: Come receive nourishment for body and soul at “Nourish: A Brunch for Moms” There will also be a program with snacks, crafts, and games provided for children birth to 5th grade. Register NOW for this FREE event.
Stone Soup
A ladies event focused on celebrating our unity and diversity in the church!
Curbing the Christmas Craze
A simple morning for women who yearn for an Advent season filled with joy and purpose.
Bring a snack to share and an ornament to exchange.
"Made with Love" - a Women's Event
Come join us for our August “program with a purpose!” We’ll be making freezer meals to have on hand for our friends, neighbors, and church family when urgent needs arise and an easy meal would be “just the thing!” We’ll also be enjoying lunch together. Come, and bring a friend for this casual day of cooking together and planning ahead to be a blessing to our community! RSVP here so we can plan to have enough lunch for everyone.