1-1-2023 BULLETIN


Upcoming Events

“Un-Deck” the Halls, January 3, 1:30p

Come help put away Christmas decorations.

Help Needed to Move Moonyin, January 4, 10a

Just before going into the hospital, Moonyin accepted an offer on her home in San Simeon. The family needs help moving her belongings into storage for now.  Meet at 9540 Avonne Ave., Space 15, San Simeon.

Ladies “Come to the Table” event, January 7, 10a-Noon

Bring a snack to share and enjoy visiting with other FBC & Cambria women as we prepare to enter 2023 with intentionality and openness to others!

FBC Hosting Christian Workers’ Retreat, January 23-25

The annual CARBC Christian Worker’s Retreat is returning to Cambria and FBC is honored to be the host! We’ll be hosting pastors and wives from across California!

Exploring Membership, February 1 & 8, 6:30-8p

For anyone who’s curious about church membership or wants more information on what FBC is all about! Indicate your interest on your communication card or by emailing the office.

Weekly Calendar

  • Most small groups, including those for youth, are still on Christmas break, but begin resuming the 2nd week of January

  • Fit For a Purpose on break until January 12th


Can we pray for you? Email your request to prayer@fbccambria.org.


To give to FBC, drop your gift in the box in the foyer, mail to the office, or give online at fbccambria.org/give. Thank you for your generosity!

Heather Lieurance1 Comment