1-21-2024 BULLETIN
Thank you for making the CARBC Christian Worker’s Retreat a Success!
Whether you made home-baked goodies, served in the kitchen, or hosted a guest, so many of you contributed in some way to make those who attended the retreat this past week feel pampered! We are truly grateful for your generosity and hospitality. Thank you!
2024 Kick-Off Brunch for Ministry to Women, Feb 3, 10a-12p
Ladies, please plan to join us on February 3 for a delicious brunch and a time to refresh our memories on the “Come to the Table” theme that your team has chosen for last year and is continuing again this year. Sign-up in the Fellowship Hall today for this potluck-style brunch and consider inviting a friend!
Thrive in the Bible
“How do I get this goodness in me?”
God’s Word is meant to be our “daily bread”. It nourishes and sustains us, and ultimately, as we learn to trust and obey it, it transforms our souls! So how do we get that nourishing goodness into us? Whether you want to make this the year that you read the whole Bible in one year or the year that you slow down and linger over smaller sections, there’s a reading plan for you. Or maybe you want to focus on memorizing scripture or praying scripture aloud. If you’re struggling to find just the thing, let us help you find new and fresh ways to access the nourishment that God has available for you in 2024! Write “Bible plans” on your connect card or reach out to us in the office this week.
How do I get the most out of Bible reading?
Before you read, talk to the author! Begin your Bible reading with prayers like these (from Tara-Leigh Cobble - Bible Recap)
1. God, give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
2. God, let any knowledge I gain serve to help me love You and others more, and not puff me up.
3. God, help me see something new about You I've never seen before.
4. God, correct any lies I believe about You or anything I misunderstand.
5. God, direct my steps according to Your Word.
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups: Aleph & Omega
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
Small Groups for Men & Women, day & evening - call for more info
Upcoming events
Kick-Off Brunch for Ministry to Women, Feb 3, 10a-12p, Fellowship Hall