1-31-2021 BULLETIN
News, etc.
Family Memorial This Saturday
Join us at 2pm this Saturday, January 30, to share a day of remembrance with the church family celebrating the lives of those who passed during the last year.
Small Groups
A variety of small group Bible studies have started in several formats. There is one that fits YOU, so join us! You can talk to Pastor Josh or contact the office for more information. Or meet with someone, read through the Bible together, and encourage each other.
Bottles For Bibles Collection - Donated: $3,350
All CA CRV cans and bottles (both plastic and glass) are currently recyclable. Every dollar is used for purchasing Bibles in areas of great need. Remove bottle lids and bring all recycling to the church garage. Thanks!!!
**Note: If you have notes of encouragement from our FBC Family Memorial, turn them in at the office and we will make sure they get to their recipients.
Weekly Schedule
Worship Service 10:30am Sundays on the patio & online
Youth Cohort: Wednesdays (contact noah@fbccambria.org to register)
Small Groups: Contact the office about midweek men’s and women’s groups
Upcoming Events
3/14 Daylight Savings begins
4/4 Easter Service