11-21-2021 BULLETIN


Christmas Hymn Sing At Community Baptist, December 5

Everyone is invited to the Christmas Hymn Sing being held by our friends at Community Baptist, SLO.  The evening of music will begin at 6p. There is no cost, but a snack or goodie to share after the music is requested.

Toys For Tots For Our Community

We have about three weeks of collection time if you would be interested in gifting a toy to a child or student in our own community whose needs are great. Toys for Tots, sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corp, provides Christmas gifts to children who are less fortunate and seeks to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children. Though this organization is not a Christian endeavor, we can and should certainly pray for the children who will be receiving these gifts.

Login To Our Web-based Directory!

Did you know that you can access and update your contact information and profile picture in FBC’s secure online directory? You can also view other information: contribution history, volunteering schedule, etc . In addition, current FBC members have access to our online congregational directory including our most up-to-date contact info. Members as well as regular attenders can also request a hard copy of the directory from the office.

To access on your computer or tablet: login or create an account at fbccambria.breezechms.com. If you need help, just contact the church office. For those who want info on the go, there’s an app for that! Visit www.breezechms.com/app to download the app for android or iPhone. 

Bottles For Bibles Collection - DONATED: $4,028!!!

Please remove lids from all your CA CRV plastic and glass bottles and bring them and any aluminum cans you have down to FBC! Every cent we raise is given to organizations who make Bibles available to those who do not have easy access to God’s Word. Thanks!!


Weekly Schedule

  • Worship Service: 10:30am Sundays in person & online

  • Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included

  • Youth Cohort: Wednesdays - 6 - 7:30p at FBC downstairs

  • Small Groups: Contact the office about midweek groups currently meeting

  • Fit for a Purpose: Thursdays: 3:30p; fitness class - women of all ages

Upcoming Events

  • November 28 - Advent Begins

  • December 12 - Annual Meeting

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