2-19-2023 BULLETIN
We need you for Kid’s Church!
We have plans to launch a simple but engaging program for elementary aged kids on Sunday mornings. Would you be willing to consider joining our team? Our goal is to have a team so no one would be scheduled more than one Sunday in a month. If interested, let us know on a connect card (or contact the office). Also, plan to attend the Kids Church Team Meeting following the service on Feb 26th.
Stone Soup, Ladies Event March 4, 11a-1p
Are you familiar with the children’s story “Stone Soup”? If not, you’re in for a treat! We’ll be reading the story at the event and then making sense of how it relates to us as the body of Christ. You won’t want to miss it. Invite a friend and sign up in the foyer today!
Church Workday, April 1, 9a-12noon
Have you noticed smudges on the walls, cobwebs in the corners, or general disarray in any rooms or closets? Us too! Let’s get together and do a general clean of this beautiful building we’ve been entrusted with. Many hands make light work!
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups: Studies in the General Epistles
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
FBC Youth: Wednesday: 6 - 7:30p at FBC
Fit for a Purpose (ladies): Thursday: 3:30-4:30 at FBC
Small Groups for Men & Women, day & evening - call the office for more info
Upcoming Events
Kids’ Church Volunteers Meeting: Feb 26, After service, Fellowship Hall
Stone Soup: Ladies event, March 4, 11a-1p, Fellowship Hall, sign-up today!
Communion & Potluck, March 5, Following Service, Fellowship Hall
Church Workday, April 1, 9a-12noon