2-23-2025 BULLETIN
2025 Prayer Initiative @fbc
We’re so excited about this special focus on prayer! The focus of this prayer initiative is on God’s agenda for our church and community. God is clearly stirring our collective hearts as certain themes surface. The following vision attempts to capture these themes.
Our hearts desire in 2025 is to be people growing ever deeper in closeness with and conformity to Jesus, who are compelled to live out our mission in this community with the goal that FBC would be a more vibrant multi-generational and multicultural worshipping family to His glory.
Pick up a prayer guide or visit fbccambria.org/prayerroom password: knock
New Prayer Room opens this week!
The prayer room includes various interactive components and a suggested prayer guide to follow. Find the sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall and sign up for a 30min slot to make use of this new space on fbc’s lower wing.
Special Business Meeting, Today, Following Service
The missions committee is excited to present Eric and Heather Zeller to the church for approval as our newest missionaries. Please plan to stay for a brief business meeting following the worship service this morning for more information on the Zellers and to vote on adding them to our “missionary family” which includes regular prayer and financial support.
Group Project Day, Feb 27, 9a-12p
Join us for this monthly event, when we work together to care for the property God has entrusted to us, as well as to provide much-needed supplies for Nancie Dellaganna and Memorial Christian Hospital in Bangladesh. If you’ve never joined us, make this the month you give it a try!
Communion Potluck, Mar 2 (Next Sunday!), Following service
Join us after the service to celebrate communion around the tables in the fellowship hall, followed by a potluck. Bring a main dish & side or dessert to share.
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups, Sundays @9a: A Study in Acts
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service
Youth Collective, Tuesdays 6:30p - 9p, Jr. Hi - Hi School, dinner included
Small Groups for Men & Women - call office for info
Body & Soul (Ladies), Fridays @8:30a, FBC Coffee Nook
Upcoming Events
Collective Meals, February, Youth Hut, Presbyterian Church, 6p
Special Business Meeting, Today, following service
Prayer Room, Feb 24-27, Sign up in the Fellowship Hall for a time slot
Group Project Day, Feb 27, 9-12p, Come help with projects for FBC & MCH
Communion Potluck, Mar 2, following service