2020-03-22 BULLETIN

Meeting & Service Cancellations

Please note the following changes:

  • Worship Services (Currently cancelled through end of March)

  • Small Groups (Gatherings are cancelled until further notice, but continue the G&BG reading and exercises)

  • Youth Collective & FBC Youth (Cancelled until further notice)

To comply with our county’s “Shelter In Place” injunction, our FBC office will be closed. However, we are making every effort to answer all emails and phone calls. If you have any questions or a need or concern, please feel free to call or email the church office and leave a message.  Thank you for your flexibility as we move church operations to our homes! 

Did you know every FBC church attender has a deacon assigned to them? This Watchcare plan is in place to make sure that church family needs are met and so that we can care for each other during difficulties. So during this Corvid-19 ‘Shelter At Home”, please feel free to contact your deacon with questions or concerns of any kind. They would love to serve you. Don’t know your deacon? Just call or email the office and Elizabeth will give you their name and contact information: 927-4789; office@fbccambria.org.

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