2020-05-03 BULLETIN

Small Groups Launching

Community is especially critical as we ‘shelter in place.’ Phone and online small groups are launching this week. Get together with 3-5 people for a weekly conference call for prayer. If you have a group or would like to be part of one, let us know! office@fbccambria.org.


Temporary Revised Services

Services and meetings:

  • Worship Services streaming live on Sundays at 10:30. (can be viewed anytime).Access through Facebook or FBCCambria.org

  • Small Groups (Beginning Last week of April - by phone or online!)

  • Youth Collective & FBC Youth (Virtual gathering: contact Noah Snodgrass)

Shelter in Place

FBC follows the “Shelter in Place” mandate placing Churches in a “limited service” category: “Counseling, providing relief, and broadcasting religious services permitted - but no congregations of people.” While engaged in the above exceptions, we  maintain social distance for the sake of our staff and community.

We Are Still Here For You!

Though the office is closed, we are making every effort to answer emails and phone calls if you have any questions, needs, or concerns.. You are welcome to contact staff directly (see next page). FBC regular attenders can also contact their deacon.

Service Opportunities

Push Pause On Bottle & Can Collection

While the recycling center is closed, please hold on to your CA RV at home. Thanks for helping us raise funds for Bibles. Pray for all believers worldwide!

Serve The Church

This is a perfect time for pulling weeds at FBC. And there is plenty of room for social distancing! So when you need a little exercise, bring a bucket and spend a few minutes here at the church.  Then, consider weeding for a neighbor, too.

Giving to FBC?

Give online at fbccambria.org/give

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