2020-7-12 BULLETIN
In-person Services Resume!
Thank you to all who have been joining us for in-person worship services! And thanks to all who have helped design our FBC ReOpen guidelines and are now orchestrating those guidelines for the safety of all attending. Please plan to join us as you feel comfortable. We will be putting in place a variety of temporary practices for the sake of everyone’s health and safety, so expect things to be different for awhile. You are welcome to come by during the week to see what we are doing and how things work during the transition or check our website for a description of our new Sunday Worship Normal:
Please wear a mask when you attend FBC as per the state’s mandate
We are planning for children to sit with their families (no nursery or children’s program)
Small groups will continue to meet remotely - call the office for more info
Coffee fellowship & potlucks are on a break
Service Opportunities
Christmas In July For Our Missionaries
We are excited to begin our collection of a love gift for our missionaries throughout the month of July! This is our annual special gift for those we support as a church. You can make out a check or online gift to FBC Cambria with a notation that it is for the Christmas in July special gift for our missionaries. Thank you for caring, giving, and praying! **Please note that there is no tax deduction given for these gifts.
Come Help
There is still a need for pulling weeds at FBC. And there is plenty of room for social distancing! Come any time and bring your own gloves!
Bottles For Bibles Collection - Donated: $2,863 - RECYCLING OPEN AGAIN!
It looks like we are back into the collection business — All CRV cans and bottles, both plastic and glass, are currently recyclable. Please remove and save all bottle lids with bottles. Your recycling can be left at the garage (north end of parking lot). All funds raised are used to purchase Bibles.
Giving to FBC?
Thank you for your faithful support of FBC. We praise God for His provision through you for our ministry.
Give online at fbccambria.org/give