2020-04-12 BULLETIN

Meeting & Service Cancellations

Please note the following changes:

  • Worship Services (On site services cancelled until further notice). Online audio and Sunday Service live stream is available at our website: FBCCambria.org

  • Small Groups (finishing G&BG reading and exercises)

  • Youth Collective & FBC Youth (for more information on Virtual gatherings: contact Noah Snodgrass [see below])


To comply with our county’s “Shelter In Place” mandate, our FBC office remains closed. However, we make every effort to answer emails and phone calls if you have any questions, needs, or concerns. We are available by email in any case: Pastor Josh L: josh@fbccambria.org

Elizabeth F: elizabeth@fbccambria.org

Jennifer S: jennifer@fbccambria.org

Noah S: noah@fbccambria.org


If you are a regular attender at FBC, then you have a deacon praying for you and looking out for you. Your “Watchcare” deacon is your first line of contact if you have a need or prayer concern. To find your deacon, just email office@fbccambria.org.

PUSH PAUSE On Bottle & Can Collection

While the recycling center is closed, please hold on to your CA RV at home. Thanks for helping us raise funds for Bibles. Pray for all believers worldwide!

Serve The Church

This is a perfect time for pulling weeds at FBC. And there is plenty of room for social distancing! So when you need a little exercise, bring a bucket and spend a few minutes here at the church.  Then, consider weeding for a neighbor, too.

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