3-10-2024 BULLETIN
Group Project Day, March 28, 9a-1p
Our next Group Project Day is scheduled for March 28, from 9a-1p. The timing is perfect for getting our property looking its best before the Easter weekend, so we can be prepared to host any guests we might receive. Projects include anything from outside clean up to working on projects for MCH in Bangladesh. Come out and be part of the fun! Coffee, light snacks, and a short devotional are provided.
Good Friday Service, March 29, 12 Noon
Once again, FBC will be hosting a community-wide Good Friday service. Plan to set aside an hour to join with fellow Christ-followers as we remember the sacrifice He gave for us on the cross.
Easter Service, March 31, 10:30a
Easter Sunday is the pinnacle of our faith! It’s the reason we can celebrate and enjoy our salvation each and every day. Plan to join us for a special service as we celebrate our risen Savior and all that He accomplished on our behalf! Consider now who you might invite.
Volunteer Board - fbccambria.org/serve
Looking for a way to serve your church? Visit our website for a listing of various ways to serve at FBC. Ministry needs include both one-time and ongoing tasks, as well as individual tasks and team tasks. This page will be updated periodically with new ways to get involved! Click “serve” on the “engage” dropdown on our website OR go direct to fbccambria.org/serve.
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups, Sundays @9a: Aleph & Omega
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service
Youth Collective, Tuesdays 6:30p - 9p, Jr. Hi - Hi School, dinner included
Small Groups for Men & Women, day & evening - call for more info
Body & Soul (Ladies), Fridays @8:30a, FBC Coffee Nook
Upcoming events
Group Project Day, Mar 28, 9a-1p, FBC
Good Friday Service, Mar 29, 12 Noon, FBC
Easter Sunday Service, Mar 31, 10:30a