3-5-2023 BULLETIN
Easter Vocalists
We are looking for several vocalists for the upcoming Easter service. If you can smile and make a joyful noise to the Lord and are available let us know (connect card, or contact office).
Special Communion Observance and Fellowship Meal, THIS Sunday!
Following our worship service Sunday, plan to stay for a special communion service, followed by a potluck style Fellowship Meal. Didn’t come prepared? That’s okay, we always have plenty of food. We’d love to have you as our guest!
Church Workday, April 1, 9a-12noon
Have you noticed smudges on the walls, cobwebs in the corners, or general disarray in any rooms or closets? Us too! Let’s get together and do a general clean of this beautiful building we’ve been entrusted with. Many hands make light work!
Bottles For Bibles - DONATED: $4,344!
Bring your bottles and cans in for recycling, and we’ll exchange them for Bibles into the hands of people all over the world where the need is great.
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups: Studies in the General Epistles
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
FBC Youth: Wednesday: 6 - 7:30p at FBC
Fit for a Purpose (ladies): Thursday: 3:30-4:30 at FBC
Small Groups for Men & Women, day & evening - call the office for more info
Upcoming Events
Fill Your Cup (ladies), Monday, March 6, 9:30a: Lily’s Coffeehouse
Dinner for Dudes, March 28, 6p: FBC. Suggested donation $10, bring a friend!
Church Workday, April 1, 9a-12noon, FBC
Good Friday Service, April 7, 12noon, FBC
Easter Service, April 9, 10:30a, FBC - Invite a friend!