3-9-2025 BULLETIN


2025 Prayer Initiative @fbc

We are so excited to launch a special focus on prayer in 2025! The focus of this prayer initiative is on God’s agenda for our church and community. Based on numerous conversations, God is clearly stirring our collective hearts as certain themes surface. The following vision attempts to capture these themes.

Our hearts desire in 2025 is to be people growing ever deeper in closeness with and conformity to Jesus, who are compelled to live out our mission in this community with the goal that FBC would be a more vibrant multi-generational and multicultural worshipping family to His glory.

Each month we will provide a prayer guide (in print and online) which will highlight certain areas of prayer each week. Also, there will be recurring weekly “prayer challenges”, some communal and some individual.
Pick up a prayer guide or visit fbccambria.org/prayerroom  password: knock

Dinner for Dudes,  Tuesday Mar 11,6p

Men of all ages are invited for a chill evening with a tasty meal and topical guest-friendly table conversations. Invite a friend! Tuesday March 11, 6pm. Suggested donation: $15.

Prayer Gathering, Monday Mar 17, 12p

As part of our 2025 Prayer Initiative, we will meet for guided prayer for our church and community. This gathering happens in the Fellowship Hall at Noon. Some are using this as an opportunity to fast, so no refreshments will be provided.

Breeze Emergency Contact Information

While rare, occasionally an emergency situation arises with an individual during our Sunday Worship service or another FBC hosted event. When this happens, it is important for us to have contact information for someone that individual would like us to notify. Would you take a moment to update your contact information this week? You can do this by: Navigating to your profile in Breeze and update the Emergency Contact Information under the “Contact” section, OR: writing it on one of the contact cards in the pew back and dropping it in “the Box” on your way out today. Don’t forget to include your name and the name & contact information of your “emergency contact.” Thank you!

Weekly Calendar

  • 9oClock groups, Sundays @9a: A Study in Acts

  • SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service

  • Youth Collective, Tuesdays 6:30p - 9p, Jr. Hi - Hi School, dinner included

  • Small Groups for Men & Women - call office for info

  • Body & Soul (Ladies), Fridays @8:30a, FBC Coffee Nook

Upcoming Events

  • Dinner for Dudes, Mar 11, 6p, $15 suggested donation, FBC

  • Prayer Gathering, Mar 17, 12p, FBC Fellowship Hall