5-1-2022 BULLETIN
News, etc.
Illness & Grief Care Workshop Coming May 21st!
Missionary Jim Garcines is especially gifted for training us in spiritually robust and practical ways to support those who are going through difficult times with theirs or a loved ones’ health, or who have recently lost a loved one. A timely workshop for our FBC family-don’t miss it! May 21, 3p at FBC.
Lifeline Fundraiser- Mothers’ Day through Father’s Day!
This year, during the season when we honor moms and dads we will be participating in Lifeline’s “baby bottle fundraiser” to raise funds to support parents in crisis pregnancies.
Bottles For Bibles - DONATED: $4,150
Bring your cans and bottles (both plastic and glass) to the FBC garage for recycling, and help us send Bibles to those in areas of great need.
ROOTED Reading Schedule
May 8 Genesis 39-44
May 15 Philippians 3
May 22 Genesis 45-47
Weekly Schedule
9oClock groups: Study Philippians with FBC
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
FBC Youth: Wednesdays - 6 - 7:30p at FBC downstairs
Small Groups: Contact the office about midweek groups currently meeting
Fit for a Purpose: Thursdays: 3:30p; fitness class - women of all ages
Upcoming Events
Tonight: West Coast Mennonite Men’s Chorus, Grace Bible Church, AG 6p
May 21-22: Workshop & Presentation by missionary Jim Garcines