6-12-2022 BULLETIN
News, etc.
TACOS with the PASTOR - THIS SUNDAY @ 6:30p
If you’re new[ish] to FBC and you haven’t signed up, talk to Josh or Heather THIS MORNING, and don’t miss out!
Youth Collective Dinners
For the month of June, FBC is privileged to provide dinners for the Youth Collective on Tuesday evenings. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall!
Family Picnic, July 3rd Following Service!
Bring your own picnic lunch and some cookies or bars to share. We’ll provide the hot grill, drinks, paper goods, and some lawn games! There will also be extra hot dogs in case anyone forgets their food. Spend the afternoon enjoying time with your church family!
Lifeline Fundraiser
Don’t forget to return your baby bottles by NEXT SUNDAY!
Roots Reading
Jun 19 Philippians 2
Jun 26 Exodus 13-18
Jul 3 Exodus 19-31
Weekly Schedule
9oClock groups: 1 Thessalonians
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
FBC Youth: Wednesdays - 6 - 7:30p at FBC downstairs
Small Groups: Contact the office about midweek groups currently meeting
Fit for a Purpose: Thursdays: 3:30p; fitness class - women of all ages
Upcoming Events
July 3: Church Picnic - 12noon, FBC
July 5: Dinner for Dudes (1st Tuesday) - $10, 6p
July 7: Busy Bees Sewing (1st Thursday) - 9a-2p, FBC bring sack lunch
July 24: Quarterly Meeting - following worship service
August 27: “Something like Succoth”