6-2-2024 BULLETIN
Fill Your Cup, June 3, at Sandy’s Deli, 9:30a
Ladies, join us tomorrow morning at Sandy’s Deli for a cup of coffee and a great time of fellowship! All are welcome, bring a friend!
Dinner for Dudes, June 18, 6p
“Dudes” of all ages are invited to this event, featuring a delicious meal prepared by one of your favorite local amateur “chefs”, followed by a testimony from one of our own “dudes.” It’s always a good time. Be thinking now of a friend to invite! Suggested $10 donation.
Come to His Table, June 22
Ladies, do you long to respond to Jesus' invitation "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," but you're just not sure how, or carving out time to prioritize this habit is challenging? Join us on June 22nd from 9-12. We have already carved out the time and will provide simple guidelines for sitting at the feet of Jesus. You won't regret it! Sign up in the Fellowship Hall today.
Collective Meals, Month of June
There are still a few slots left to contribute to a meal for the Youth Collective on Tuesdays throughout the month of June. Sign ups are in the Fellowship Hall, with opportunities to provide drinks, something sweet, or a healthy snack. Contact Kathy Berry if you have any questions about this! kberry@fbccambria.org
Click to Serve!
This week, we’re still looking for someone who would be willing to “adopt” our water jugs! Go to www.fbccambria.org/serve for more information on this occasional job.
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups, Sundays @9a: Aleph & Omega
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service
Youth Collective, Tuesdays 6:30p - 9p, Jr. Hi - Hi School, dinner included
Small Groups for Men & Women, day & evening - call for more info
Body & Soul (Ladies), Fridays @8:30a, FBC Coffee Nook
Upcoming events
Fill Your Cup, June 3, 9:30-10:30a, Sandy’s Deli
Dinner for Dudes, June 18, 6p $10 suggested donation
Come to His Table, June 22, 9a-12p, Quiet Retreat for ladies