7-24-2022 BULLETIN
News, etc.
Quarterly Business Meeting - TODAY!
Immediately following today’s service we will have a brief business meeting. Plan to stay for an update on all the ministries of FBC!
“Something like Succōt”
Join us August 21st for a special outdoor worship service followed by a church potluck. We are holding this special service to reflect on God’s presence and provision during our “(covid) wanderings” over the past couple years.
Youth Mission Trip Prayer Team & Fundraiser
13 students and 6 adults are going to Kahului, HI for a mission trip! To join the prayer team and receive specific requests & updates, email cambriayouthcollective@gmail.com. There is also a fundraiser THIS Saturday, July 30th from 12:30-2p at the Vineyard church. $15 for BBQ & live music!
Roots Reading
July 31 Leviticus 8-16
Aug 7 Leviticus 17-19
Aug 14 Leviticus 20-22
*Check out our events page on the FBC website! fbccambria.org/events
Weekly Schedule
9oClock groups: 1 Thessalonians
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
FBC Youth: Wednesdays - 6 - 7:30p at FBC (resumes August 17)
Fit for a Purpose: Thursdays: 3:30p; fitness class - women of all ages
Upcoming Events
TODAY: Quarterly Meeting - following worship service
July 28: Busy Bees - Sewing for MCH 9a-2p, bring sack lunch, FBC
July 30: BBQ Fundraiser for Youth Mission 12:30-2p, $15 Vineyard
August 21: “Something Like Succōt” - 10:30a, FBC
August 27: “Made With Love” Women’s Event - 10a-2p, FBC