7-3-2022 BULLETIN
News, etc.
Bible Studies taking Summer Break
Most mid-week Bible studies are breaking for the summer, but we’re still studying God’s Word! Join a 9oClock group on Sunday mornings.
Dinner for Dudes THIS Tuesday at 6p
Men of all ages are invited to “Dinner for Dudes” on the first Tuesday of each month through the summer. Bring a friend! 6:30p, $10 donation. RSVP by email, connect card, call.
Church Picnic TODAY Following Service!
Immediately following the service today, we are having a church picnic. All are welcome to attend! We’ll provide the hot grill, drinks, paper goods, and lawn games. We even have some extra hot dogs if you didn’t come prepared, so don’t hesitate - come celebrate with us!
Bottles For Bibles - DONATED: $4,262!
Roots Reading
Jul 10 Exodus 26-34
July 17 Exodus 35-40
Weekly Schedule
9oClock groups: 1 Thessalonians
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
FBC Youth: Wednesdays - 6 - 7:30p at FBC downstairs
Fit for a Purpose: Thursdays: 3:30p; fitness class - women of all ages
Upcoming Events
TODAY: Church Picnic - 12noon, FBC
July 5: Dinner for Dudes (1st Tuesday) - $10, 6p
July 7: Busy Bees Sewing (1st Thursday) - 9a-2p, FBC bring sack lunch
July 11: Fill Your Cup (Usually 1st Monday) - 9:30a, Lily’s Coffeehouse
July 24: Quarterly Meeting - following worship service
August 28: “Something Like Succot” - 10:30a, FBC