7-7-2024 BULLETIN
The Steward Experiment, One More Week!
We still have more envelopes to give out! If you haven’t picked yours up, pick one up today and prayerfully consider how God would have you use it. If you HAVE already picked one up, and you could make use of another, you are welcome to pick another envelope up TODAY! Return response card by next Sunday, July 7th.
Christmas in July
Throughout the month of July, we will be collecting extra offerings to send as a special gift to each one of our FBC missionaries. Historically, this gift has been a great encouragement to them and we look forward to blessing our missionaries as they faithfully serve the Lord. Please remember to mark any special gifts as “Christmas in July” and stop by the Fellowship Hall to write a short note to be included when we mail our gifts!
Campfire Testimonies, July 13, 6-8:30p
Ladies, mark your calendars for Saturday July 13, 6-8:30p! We’ll enjoy a campfire, hot dogs and s’mores, as well as testimonies from a few of our own FBC women. This was a favorite activity last year, you won’t want to miss it! Sign-up today!
Quarterly Business Mtg, July 14, Following service
Come hear what God has been up to at and through FBC in the 2nd Quarter of 2024! We will also have a send off for Pastor Josh and Heather as they head off on Sabbatical
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups, Sundays @9a: Aleph & Omega
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service
Youth Collective, Tuesdays 6:30p - 9p, Jr. Hi - Hi School, dinner included
Small Groups for Men & Women, most on Summer break - call office for info
Body & Soul (Ladies), Fridays @8:30a, FBC Coffee Nook
Upcoming events
Campfire Testimonies, July 13, 6-8:30p, FBC Patio
Quarterly Business Meeting, July 14, Following service
Group Project Day, July 25, 9a-12p
Fill your cup, August 5, 9:30-10:30a, Sandy's Deli