8-27-2023 BULLETIN
Fall Small Groups Starting Soon!
We have small groups for men, women, teens, and mixed groups, both on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Many groups have been on break for the summer but will be starting a new series in September. Now is the perfect time to join a group. Watch for sign ups in the foyer September 3rd!
Busy Bees Sewing Group, Thursday, 9a-1p
Sewing skills not required, just a desire to help provide supplies for Memorial Christian Hospital! The group meets monthly to help provide basic necessities for the labor and delivery unit as well as other ministries of this missionary hospital in SE Asia.
Opportunities to Serve Children!
2023 is the “The Year of the Child” at FBC! Keeping that mission before us, we reached out to the leadership at Cambria Grammar School to learn how we can serve the children who are our neighbors! Following are areas of need: playground supervision, reading with students, after school homework club, and delivering assessments (primarily for those with educational backgrounds). If you’re interested in any of these areas, contact the school directly or the church office.
If the Shoe Fits Ladies’ Retreat, Sept 9, 9a-4:30p
All-day ladies’ retreat right here at FBC. The entire day will focus in on what it means and looks like to walk with Jesus. Sign up online or in the Fellowship Hall Sunday! $20
Weekly Calendar
9oClock groups: Studies in 2 Corinthians
SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included
FBC Youth: Wednesday: 6 - 7:30p at FBC
Small Groups for Men & Women, day & evening - call the office for more info
Upcoming Events
Busy Bees Sewing Group, August 31st, 9a-1p
“If the Shoe Fits”, September 9, 9a-4:30p, Ladies One-Day Retreat $20