8-8-2021 BULLETIN
News, etc.
Help Wanted
Can you help us in one of these areas: Security Team, Welcome Team, Coffee Fellowship, Audio/Visual? Indicate interest on a Connect Card today!
Security Team Orientation THIS SUNDAY Following The Service
The key to security is attention to detail. Think you might be interested? Come find out at our orientation following the morning service!
Women’s Retreat September 24-25 - Registration Begins August 8
Plan to join your FBC sisters as we study God’s Armor for the unseen battle! Our cost is $40, three meals included, and scholarships are available.
Bottles For Bibles Collection - Donated: $3,700
All CA CRV cans and bottles (both plastic and glass) are currently recyclable. Every dollar is used for purchasing Bibles in areas of great need.
Youth Collective - Jesse Walker New Outreach Missionary
For information contact Noah Snodgrass, Kathy Berry or missionary Jesse Walker: cambriayouthcollective@gmail.com.
Weekly Schedule
Worship Service 10:30am Sundays in person & online
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - 6p; dinner (all) 7p; Hi School - 7:30p
Youth Cohort: Wednesdays - 6 - 7:30p at FBC downstairs
Small Groups: Contact the office about midweek groups currently meeting
Fit for a Purpose: Thursdays: 3:30p; fitness class - women of all ages
Upcoming Events
August 29 - Hymn Sing at Community Baptist in SLO, 6:30p bring a snack
September 24-25 - FBC Women’s Retreat: The Armor of God
November - Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection. Start packing now!!