5-14-2023 BULLETIN


Happy Mother’s Day!

We are grateful for moms, today and every day! Whether you are a mom in the busy season of raising your kids, have been “promoted” to grandmother; whether you’re an aunt, a mentor or another nurturer, the role of women in the lives of kids at every stage of development cannot be over-stated! So “moms” - today we celebrate you!

Kids’ Church Starting Today!

Having set 2023 apart as “The Year of the Child”, we are excited to announce that we are launching “Kids’ Church” today! Thank you to those who have committed to teaching or helping on a rotational basis, and those who have gone through the process to become CAPP certified. If you’re still interested in helping but have not yet begun the certification process, or if you missed the training meeting on April 30th, please contact the office. We can still use more volunteers, and would love to help you get trained and certified. In the meantime, if you know a family with children in the K-5 grade range, invite them to FBC!

Dinner for Dudes, May 23rd 6-8p

Men, it’s happening again! Another opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner, a time of fellowship with other men, and an encouraging testimony shared by one of our own “Dudes” from FBC! Plan to be here, and invite a friend! $10 suggested donation

Weekly Calendar

  • SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio

  • Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included

  • FBC Youth: Wednesday: 6 - 7:30p at FBC

  • Fit for a Purpose (ladies): Thursday: 3:30-4:30 at FBC

  • Small Groups: Men/women/mixed, youth/adult, morning/evening - call for info

Upcoming Events

  • Dinner for Dudes: Tuesday, May 23, 6-8p, $10 suggested donation, bring a friend