5-21-2023 BULLETIN


Dinner for Dudes, May 23rd 6-8p

Men, it’s happening again! Another opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner, a time of fellowship with other men, and an encouraging testimony shared by one of our own “Dudes” from FBC! Plan to be here, and invite a friend! $10 suggested donation

Sewing Bees, May 25th, 9a-1p

Do you sew? If not, can you use scissors? Every little bit helps! Come join the Sewing Bees to help make supplies for our missionaries at Memorial Christian Hospital. In addition to being a huge help to them, we always have a great time of fellowship together.

Communion Potluck, June 4th, Noon

Following our church service on June 4th, we will partake in communion together around the tables in the Fellowship Hall once again, followed by a potluck meal. You won’t want to miss this special time! Bring a main dish and either a side or dessert to share for the potluck.

Weekly Calendar

  • SUNDAY: 10a Refreshments; 10:30a Worship Service indoors & on patio

  • Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - Hi School - 6:30p - 9p; dinner included

  • FBC Youth: Wednesday: 6 - 7:30p at FBC

  • Fit for a Purpose (ladies): Thursday: 3:30-4:30 at FBC

  • Small Groups: Men/women/mixed, youth/adult, morning/evening - call for info

Upcoming Events

  • Dinner for Dudes: Tuesday, May 23, 6-8p, $10 suggested donation, bring a friend

  • Sewing Bees: Thursday May 25th, 9a-1p, Fellowship Hall

  • Communion Potluck: June 4th, Noon,  Bring main & side or dessert

  • Church Picnic: July 2nd, Noon, Look for more details soon!