5-2-2021 BULLETIN
News, etc.
National Day Of Prayer - Guides Available Online
Don’t miss the opportunity to pray for our country this coming Thursday with FBC and believers around the nation. There is a 12-hour sign-up sheet at the back table and online. Join us in asking God for His help and direction.
Youth Collective!
The Collective needs FBC’s help to provide the Snack/Meal for each Tuesday evening in May. Sign-up sheet at back table or call the church or contact Kathy to volunteer for a main dish, dessert, snack, or drinks. Or contact Clint Parsons: cambriayouthcollective@gmail.com/805.468.9515.
Quarterly Meeting Ballot Results
FBC church members voted to approve the painting of the church facilities!
Bottles For Bibles Collection - Donated: $3,545
All CA CRV cans and bottles (both plastic and glass) are currently recyclable. Every dollar is used for purchasing Bibles in areas of great need. Remove bottle lids and bring all recycling to the church garage. Thanks!!!
Weekly Schedule
Worship Service 10:30am Sundays on the patio & online
Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - 6p; dinner (all) 7p; Hi School - 7:30p
Youth Cohort: Wednesdays (contact noah@fbccambria.org to register)
Small Groups: Contact the office about midweek men’s and women’s groups
Upcoming Events
May 6 - National Day of Prayer — This Thursday! Sign up at the back table!