5-9-2021 BULLETIN
News, etc.
Youth Collective!
Special thanks to all who volunteered to help with food for the Youth Collective! If you have any questions about delivering the food or about this ministry, contact Noah Snodgrass, Kathy Berry or contact the interim leader, Clint Parsons: cambriayouthcollective@gmail.com/805.468.9515.
Tech Team Needs Help
As we prepare to move back indoors and resume video presentation, we are in need of additional help with video tech. The video tech runs our presentation slides (for worship music lyrics, etc), and oversees the video feed for our live stream. If you are fairly comfortable on a computer, we can teach you the rest. Indicate interest on a connect card or contact pastor Josh.
Bottles For Bibles Collection - Donated: $3,545
All CA CRV cans and bottles (both plastic and glass) are currently recyclable. Every dollar is used for purchasing Bibles in areas of great need. Remove bottle lids and bring all recycling to the church garage. Thanks!!!
Weekly Schedule
• Worship Service 10:30am Sundays on the patio & online
• Youth Collective: Tuesday: Jr. Hi - 6p; dinner (all) 7p; Hi School - 7:30p • Youth Cohort: Wednesdays (contact noah@fbccambria.org to register)
• Small Groups: Contact the office about midweek men’s and women’s groups